Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Years Resolutions

So this year, I made three resolutions for the New Year;

1 - Read more books.

Taking the TTC everyday gives me the opportunity, but since I subscribe to Sports Illustrated and my ride to work is about 15 minutes, it usually would take me about 3 or 4 days worth of rides to get through a magazine. I decided not to renew my subscription and have started reading more books. Currently reading "Slash" (hey, I said books, not necessarily GOOD books). Very fun and interesting read, though.

2 - Drink more Scotch.

Yup. It's going to be a tough resolution. I've got a pretty good collection (about 7 bottles), but only ever seem to crack any bottles when certain friends are over. Time to get drinkin'!

3 - Start writing a blog.

Why the hell not? It's a good excuse to write/talk about things. Whether or not anyone reads it or cares is another matter altogether, but since I do enjoy writing and have been waking up early lately (more on that in a later blog), let's give it a crack. Who know's how often I will write something. I am going to try for once a week. Expect bad grammar, poor taste, classlessness and spelling errors!

Here are my random thoughts of the week:

- Kings of Leon. How come nobody told me about this band a long time ago? I find their two earlier albums to sound a lot like The Strokes (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), on their latest album "Because of the Times" they find their own sound and are definitely on to something. It's worth a listen!

http://www.kingsofleon.com/ - Standout tracks include "Charmer", "Ragoo", "Arizona"

- Raccoon Poo. Yes, Raccoon poo. As in "oh my god, is that racoon poo right by the back door of my apartment." At least I really hope that it was racoon poo and not Hobo poo. It's gone now. I think that I can add photos on this blog thingie. Too late for the racoon poo, but I will keep this in mind, moving forward.

- Cloverfield. OK, Monster destroys city is a concept that has been beaten to death, but this time it looks different. Hopefully. The delivery of the concept is what will make the movie good. Hopefully. I am going to see the movie on Sunday and, hopefully, there won't be a lot of cell phone-toting, laser pointer pointing punks in the movie theatre. Hopefully, it will be better than the last monster movie that I saw opening weekend. I actually fell asleep during Godzilla. It may have been an alcohaul induced sleep, but it was sleep nonetheless!

http://cloverfieldclues.blogspot.com/ - Good non-spoiler "hype-site"

- High Definition Television. Welcome to 2005, Dave! Finally, I have HDTV capabilities of my own and I honestly can say that I don't know I watched TV in regular def for so long. Night and day. Sports especially look great. You've probably already heard this, but its really cool.

- Dexter. Just finished watching season one. It took about 3 episodes to get me hooked, but once that happened, it was quite addictive. Well written, acted and VERY creepy. The Ice Truck Killer story was so good.

http://www.icetruck.tv/ - a cool viral video promoting season two (which I am very excited to start watching!)

So that's it for blog number one. Any suggestions for further blogs, other than to stop writing them?

Sorry for wasting your time!


happyd said...

nice long premier post!!

did you know that you can blog directly from flickr? you can even post photos of other people's if they allow it.

first you'll have to add this blog to your flickr account (go to the 'you' menu -> your account -> extending flickr). then once it's added you can look for the 'blog this' icon right on top of photos!

Unknown said...

Ah ... that HappyD. Always has useful tricks up her sleeve.

So, when is your post today gonna go up? I need to waste another 5 min ...

Faiza said...

Hey Dvae,

Love the blog! If you are looking for a book to read I highly recommend The Kite Runner. Let me know if you read it and what your thoughts are.

Happy blogging,
